2023-07-22 12:04:06
Pisces is a mysterious and fascinating sign in astrology. Ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, it is the 12th and final sign in the zodiac cycle. Those born between February 19 and March 20 are said to be under the influence of Pisces. But where does the origin of this water sign come from?
The symbolism of Pisces dates back to ancient mythology. It is linked with the story of Aphrodite and Eros, who were attacked by the monster Typhon while swimming in the Euphrates River. To escape their attacker, they turned themselves into fish and swam away. Thus, the image of two fish swimming in harmony was born.
The Greeks saw the two fish as representing the constellation Pisces, while the Babylonians and Assyrians saw them as representing the goddess Atargatis or Ishtar, who was also associated with the sea and fertility. The double fish symbol can still be seen in various cultures and religions today, including Christianity, where it represents the dual nature of Christ.
In astrology, Pisces is said to embody the duality of the fish symbol, representing both the depths and heights of human emotion. Pisceans are known for their compassion, empathy, and artistic sensibilities, but also for their tendency towards self-sacrifice and escapist tendencies. The ruling planets of Jupiter and Neptune further emphasize the spiritual and mystical nature of the sign.
Pisces is often associated with the 12th house in astrology, which represents the unconscious, dreams, and hidden aspects of the self. Pisceans are said to be highly intuitive and in tune with their emotions and surroundings. They can tap into their subconscious and imagination to inspire their creativity and insights.
On the negative side, Pisceans can struggle with indecisiveness, self-doubt, and being overly sensitive to criticism or negative energy. They may also have a tendency towards addiction or escapism through drugs, alcohol, or other vices.
Overall, the origin of Pisces in astrology is rooted in ancient mythology and the symbolism of the fish. Those born under this sign are said to embody the duality and complexity of the fish symbol, with their emotio【皇铭星座】nal depth, creativity, and intuition, as well as their challenges with indecision and escapism. Pisces is a sign that invites exploration and introspection, embracing both the light and dark aspects of human experience.
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