2023-08-11 02:34:32

1. 白羊座
(Aries) 2. 金牛座
(Taurus) 3. 双子座
(Gemini) 4. 巨蟹座
(Leo) 5. 狮子座
(Virgo) 6. 处女座
( Cancer) 7. 天秤座
(Libra) 8. 天蝎座
(Scorpio) 9. 射手座
(Sagittarius) 10. 摩羯座
(Capricorn) 1
1. 水瓶座
(Aquarius) 12. 双鱼座
(Pisces) Each of the 12星座 has its own unique characteristics and patterns, which can be seen in their behavior, energy, and even personality. For example,白羊座 is known for being冲动、自信、热情, while金牛座 is known for being踏实、务实、耐心。
In addition to their names, there are also many websites and apps that provide information about the 12星座 and their characteristics. Whether you're a fan of the gods or just want to learn more about human behavior, the 12星座 can be a fascinating and engaging subject.
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