
星座大师 阅读:- 2023-08-12 11:42:56
"Leo's Melancholy" - A Song of Ancient Times

The warmth of the sun on your skin,
The wind in your hair as you wander in
The fields of green and gold
That stretch out before you, bold

But though the world is vast and bright,
And the future seems filled with light,
You find yourself lost in a haze
Of thoughts and fears that cloud your days

Chasing dreams that never come to be,
Lost in your own melancholy,
You wonder if this is all there is,
A life that's empty, without bliss

But don't despair, oh lion heart,
For though you may feel torn apart,
There is a strength within your soul,
A fire that burns, a goal to reach, a higher goal

You may falter and stumble and fall,
But you'll rise again, standing tall,
For you have a spirit that will never die,
A passion that will never lie

So hold your head up high, 【恒铭星座】my dear,
And know that you have nothing to fear,
For you are the king of your own fate,
A ruler of your own noble state

Embrace your doubts and fears,
And let them fuel your determined tears,
For in the end, you'll find your way,
A shining star, forever to stay

"Leo's Melancholy" speaks to the struggles and inner turmoil faced by individuals born under the sign of Leo. Despite the warmth and light they bring to the world around them, they can often feel lost and unsupported in their journey towards personal fulfillment. However, this song embodies the tenacity and strength of the lion, reminding Leos that they have the power to overcome their deepest fears and doubts. Through it all, they are destined to shine brightly and leave their mark on the world.

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